Top 101 Podcast Ideas to Inspire Your Audience

Yoofi Annan
17 min readOct 13, 2021


Anyone — no matter their age, profession, or level of experience — can build an audience online by podcasting. If you’re wondering how to start a podcast, the first step is to figure out your topic.

The key is to think about your passions and expertise. You’ll be spending lots of time recording, so you need to really love the subject matter. What do you like to do in your free time?

What kinds of podcasts do you typically listen to? Are you knowledgeable about any particular subject?

To help you create a podcast, we’ve compiled a list of podcast ideas that span a wide range of subjects, from business and career goals to food and travel. Here are some podcast ideas your listeners will love:

1. Reveal the next generation of change-makers!

Talk to young people and ask them about things they’re doing in their communities. Interview people who have helped others in some way and find out how they did it. Then encourage your audience to live a life that is meaningful. Talk to parents about how they raise their children, why they do it a certain way, and share tips on how to do it yourself.

2. Podcast to Build a Community

Create a podcast with your friends or family, or invite your community to participate in your podcast. You’ll get feedback from listeners that will make you a better podcaster. As a musician, you can record a podcast of your favorite music and promote your band’s shows. You can also create a podcast about how to make music as a hobby and share your skills with others.

3. Podcast about how to succeed in life

Interview different people who have succeeded at their chosen careers or chosen life paths by asking them why they decided to pursue it and how they succeeded at achieving it. Give examples of how others have made a living doing something they love and share why they did it and how it impacted their lives.

4. Cover important issues in Science, Politics, Religion or other topics

Podcasts are good for sharing information with listeners who are interested in learning about controversial topics. You can talk about the science behind climate change, the Bible, vaccines or other hot topics.

5. Give an Audible Review

“A review is an opinion about a book or product, which has been written in a non-biased manner and without the intention of selling the book or product.” This is a great way to give feedback about your favorite books, music, films, or gadgets. And don’t forget to include some of your personal experiences, too.

6. Share Your Passion

Talk about how you’re a real-life version of your favorite fictional character. Talk about your interests, hobbies, and passions. Talk about what you’re currently reading and listening to.

7. Be Honest About How You Learn New Things

Tell a compelling first-person story, you can do podcasts. Talk about your love of learning, your curiosity, and the process of learning new things-and how it can lead to success in your field.

8. Have Fun With Interviews And Guest Bloggers

When it comes to interviewing and guest blogging, the key is to make it fun. Your audience will be more likely to read your blog if they enjoy the format you’re using. Share fun facts about the person you’re interviewing. If you’re interviewing someone, explore questions that your guest might answer.

9. What are you working on?

If you’re in the planning stages of a podcast project, share your plans and thoughts with us here. This will be the first step toward helping you get started!

10. Get into the Buzz

People are always talking about what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s trending on the Internet, so you want to be ahead of the crowd. If there’s a topic that’s really hot right now, try to find an angle for a podcast on it. Your audience will love it, and it will help you build your list of subscribers.

11. Tell A Story With History

People are naturally curious about history, and podcasting is a great way to tell compelling stories about events that happened in the past. Podcasts allow you to take a fresh approach to an old subject-it’s all about finding new ways to tell these stories that excite your listeners.

12. Start a Conversation with Your Audience About Their Favorite Authors

“If you’re a reader, you’ll know that there are many authors whose books you absolutely cannot wait to read. Explore the first time you heard about the author you love so much.”

13. Talk About Your Life or Work Experience

“Podcasts are a great way to record stories about your life, whether it’s your own history, your company’s culture, or any other interesting tidbits you want to share with the world. There are all kinds of podcasts to choose from, depending on the format you’re most comfortable in.”

14. Podcast on mental health

People with mental health issues are often stigmatized in society. This stigma causes a lack of understanding and an unwillingness to seek help for the symptoms. The podcast will explore how mental illness impacts those who suffer from it, while providing solutions to the issue.

15. Talk about how to be a better parent

Being a parent is an amazing responsibility. It takes an immense amount of work, dedication, patience, and love. In a world that is becoming increasingly self-absorbed, this podcast could teach listeners how to be the best parents they can be, no matter what age they are or what they’re doing with their lives.

16. Explore current events

This podcast will discuss current events and news, as well as politics and current social issues. The idea is to provide information and education to the masses on these topics, so that everyone will be able to understand the complexity of the issues at hand.

17. Take on a controversial topic in your field

If you’re a subject matter expert in your field, a good idea is to open up a conversation about controversial topics that are often taboo. For example, if you’re an expert in social work, talk about the effects of drug addiction. If you’re a scientist, talk about climate change and how it affects the environment.

18. The Science of Health

If you are interested in health and wellness, you will love this idea. In this podcast, you can explore how to keep yourself healthy and happy by focusing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual. This includes topics such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and more.

19. Talk about a cause close to your heart

If you are passionate about a particular cause or an issue, explore it. Make it personal and share your expertise. Your podcast will have more impact if it’s genuine and heartfelt.

20. Interview famous people for their wisdom and advice

You might think that interviewing celebrities would be difficult, but it’s actually quite simple. Just find someone who is known for being smart or knowledgeable about their field. Ask them some questions and do a deep dive on the results of your conversation.

21. A personal story to connect with others

Did you ever wonder how an ordinary person could accomplish something extraordinary? Share how you overcame obstacles and achieved a dream. It’s inspiring to read about others who have done the same.

22. Your business or career

If you are in business or are a freelancer, you can talk about how to get clients or how to market your business. This is also a good way to promote your business and create a name for yourself.

23. Inspirational quotes for your podcast

You can use quotes as a way to inspire your fans. Use quote s to express your thoughts or as a way to start a conversation. It’s a great way to get people talking about your podcast!

24. A recipe for healthy living

A recipe is a great way to connect with your audience and share something tasty. It’s also a good idea to give some background on the recipe, the ingredients, and the preparation. Make sure that you provide the recipe with the proper instructions, and don’t forget to tell people where to find it!

25. The story behind the quote

Did you know that famous quotes are not always attributed to their original sources? In some cases, they’re actually written by other authors who were inspired by the quote. This is called an inspirational quote. Explore how this quote was originally published. You could talk about the author’s background, how the quote came to be, or even how the author changed the quote to make it more relevant to today’s readers.

26. A personal experience with a product or service

If you have a product or service to sell, talk about your experience with it. This is a great way to let your audience know that you are a real person and that you have been able to use the product in your own life.

27. Your thoughts on a current topic

If you are passionate about a particular topic, it can be a great idea to share your thoughts on it. People love to read about opinions from people who have studied the topic and have a lot of knowledge about it. If you’re knowledgeable about the topic, don’t hesitate to share it!

28. How to listen to a podcast

You can talk about how to listen to podcasts and what equipment you need. You can also talk about different podcasting apps.

29. Talk about different kinds of food and drinks

Go on a discovery journey about the different ingredients used to make it and the different ways they are served. This will be a great podcast if you have a restaurant, cafe or bar.

30. Inspiring music

You can make a podcast about music that inspires you. You can also make a podcast for different kinds of music. You can talk about your favorite songs or artists and what inspires you about them.

31. Animals or pets

Talk about different animals and how they are treated. This could be a great podcast for animal lovers. Maybe research to find animal superheroes and interview their owners on your podcast

33. Home improvement

Explore different home improvement tips and tricks. Talk about tips on new renovations, painting tips, how to make your home look like a magazine.

34. Lifestyle Tips & Tricks

Interview people on different tips and tricks to improve your life. You can interview young people or old people with interesting stories to tell.

36. How to plan a wedding

Host a podcast on how to plan the perfect wedding. Maybe you can talk about different ways to save money while planning a wedding. You could interview a planner or a caterer.

37. Podcasts about nature

Investigate different animals, plants, trees, flowers, and landscapes. You can also make a podcast for different kinds of nature. You can talk about different animals, plants, trees, flowers, and landscapes. This could be a great podcast for people who enjoy nature.

38. Comedy & Humor

Make a comedy podcast about different subjects. Talk about different comedians and interview them.

39. Podcasts for teenagers

Talk to teenagers and get their point of view on various topics. This could be great if you are a teenager or know some who would like to be featured on your podcast

40. Inspiring people with disabilities

You can talk to people with disabilities and get their point of view on life, school, work, or other things that they enjoy doing in life.

42. Podcasts on weight loss

Interview people who have lost weight and talk to them about their weight loss. You can interview young people or old people with interesting stories to tell.

43. Indian Food, Cuisine & Recipes

Interview different kinds of food and get inspired about new recipes to cook at home! This can be a good podcast for your Indian fans!

45 . Fun quotes or sayings for kids

Make a podcast with fun quotes or sayings for children. Maybe you can play games where the kids guess the author of the quote? Make a popular one and make it fun by using props like hats, ribbons, bagpipes, etc!

46. Host a podcast on the different animals in your country.

Talk with people who live in your country and get their point of view. You can also ask them for some interesting facts about the different animals in your country.

48 . How to start a podcast?

You can share your journey on how you started a podcast. Tell people that they don’t have to be an expert in all things when starting out!

49. How to be a good host

Make a podcast on how to be a good host. Explain what it takes to be a good host when doing a podcast.

50 . Tell the story behind the song

This is an inspiring podcast for people who enjoy music in their daily lives or who are looking for some background stories behind popular songs.

51 . Nonprofit Organizations

Interview different nonprofits in your community and talk about their work. You can also ask them if they have started podcasts through them or if they would like to have one themselves!

52 . Art & Design

Interview different people about art & design. Talk about their work, inspire them to continue working, and ask them how they made it successful.

53 . How to be a good employee

If you are an employer, you can make a podcast about how to be a good employee. You can talk about your expectations of employees and what they should do to be successful. If you are not an employer, maybe you know business owners who could benefit from this podcast!

54 . Learn different languages

Talk about different languages with people who are fluent in them. You can also interview people who are interested in learning new languages.

55 . Interview people who are new to America

Interview people who are new to America and talk about different things. How does it feel to live here? What attracts them here?

56 . Podcasts about having kids or being a parent

Talk to parents about their experience with parenting. You can also talk to young people who are interested in having kids.

57 . Traveling around your country

Talk about the different places you can travel around your country. If you are travelling, you can interview the tour operator or driver of that place!

58 . Interview people who are better prepared

Talk to people who are better prepared for life because they have taken classes, read books, or trying out different things.

59. How to be a good friend

You can make a podcast on how to be a good friend. Interview people that you know that are great friends and ask them about it! You can also ask them what kind of advice they have for other friends!

60 . Podcasts on becoming a good speaker

You can interview people with great public speaking skills and also people with little or no public speaking experience. You can ask them about the journey of becoming a great speaker.

61 . Interview people who are living with disability

Talk to people who are living with disabilities and get their point of view on life, school, work, or other things that they enjoy doing in life.

62 . Learning different languages

Talk about different languages with people who are fluent in them. You can also interview people who are interested in learning new languages.

63 . Learn to become a better learner

You can talk about how to be a better learner by becoming more organized, knowing how to study the right way, or just getting more sleep!

64 . Advice for your younger self

Talk about the advice you would give your younger self if you could. What would you tell yourself and why?

65. Parenting

If you have a family, this is a great idea. Even if you don’t have kids, you can explore parenting from a different perspective by interviewing parents of a variety of ages. This show could touch on topics such as raising children to be kind and compassionate, teaching them to think for themselves, and raising them to achieve their dreams.

66. How to interact with your neighbourhood

Interview people who live close by and get their point of view on life, school, work, or other things that they enjoy doing in life.

67. Interview people who are interested in pursuing a creative career

Interview people who are interested in pursuing a creative career. Talk about what they are interested in doing, how they got started, and what makes them happy with their chosen profession.

68. Interview new moms about parenting

Interview young moms about parenting and ask them if they have any tips on how to be a better parent.

69. Advice on how to get through your 20's

Look around-there are plenty of 20-somethings who are trying to figure it all out! This is a great opportunity to give them some advice on how they can get through their 20s while still staying true to themselves.

70. Podcast for College Students

After college, people often find themselves in the workforce and trying to make sense of life. If you’re a recent grad and you’d like to share your secrets with the world, this could be a very popular podcast. Talk about balancing school and life, finding your dream job, making money without going broke, and any other tips that might help college students transition into the workforce.

71. How to make your own videos

You can make a podcast with tips on how to make your own videos. You can interview different kinds of people who are making videos or have made videos before!

72 . Interview great speakers or teachers

Interview different people that are great speakers or teachers for your podcast. This could be an interesting podcast that could inspire up-and-coming teachers!

73. Interview your classmates

If you still live near your old school, this is a fun podcast idea! Pick a day and go to school and talk to the people in the same grade as you. You can ask them about their life now that they’ve graduated and compare notes!

74. Learn how to be more successful at work

Interview people who work in different industries and ask them how they got to where they are today. Maybe the person who started the company has some helpful tips for success!

75. Talk about different religions

Discuss different religions with people who practice them or want to know more about them. You could interview people who practice different religions and ask them about their experiences in life, especially if they’re non-religious.

76. Learn how to live a healthier life

Interview people who are living a healthy lifestyle and ask them how they do it. You can also interview people who are living an unhealthy lifestyle and ask them why!

77. How to be more organized

Interview people with different types of schedules and ask them how they get so much done every day!

78. How to talk or write better in public speaking or writing

This is a great podcast idea for someone that is nervous about speaking or writing in public.

79. Talking about social media

Interview people who are interested in social media and find out how they use it!

80. Find people who work at different jobs

Talk about different jobs with people who work at them! You can ask them what they like or don’t like about the job, how long they’ve worked there, if their goals have changed since starting the job, etc.

81. Interviewing teachers or friends that you haven’t seen in a while

Interview teachers or friends that you haven’t seen in a while. Talk about what the person like/dislike about their job or if anything has changed. interviews can also be a great podcast for a high school reunion!

82. Helping out your neighbourhood

Interview people in your neighbourhood and find out how they’re helping out their neighbours. Talk about the crazier things that have happened to them, ask them if it will get reported, or get help from them if they need it!

83. Interview people from all different walks of life

Interview people from all different walks of life, from musicians to lawyers to athletes! From people who still live at home to people who have their own place, interview people from all different backgrounds.

84. Talk about your favorite musical instrument

This is a great podcast for musicians. You can talk about your favourite musical instrument and the lessons you learned from it! This could be great if you are a professional musician or just an amateur looking to become better.

85. Interview a lawyer

Interview a lawyer and find out what lawyers do in a regular day! You can also interview a judge or an attorney that represent clients in court if they have any interesting stories you can use for your story! This is a great podcast idea for someone who is going to law school!

86. Learn about different languages

Talk to people who are fluent in other languages and get their point of view on the language they speak. You can also interview people who are interested in learning new languages.

87. Talk about how to make money on the Internet

Interview people from all over the globe from all different walks of life and ask them how they make money on the Internet or through social media! You can also talk about making money online in general.

88. Interviewing teachers

Find one teacher in your neighbourhood and interview them on how they do things. You can ask them what they like and don’t like about their job and if they’d recommend it to other people.

89. A podcast about all the different jobs in America

Interview people from all different jobs in your neighbourhood or a city across America. You can ask them what they like and dislike about their job, how they got their job, etc.

90. Interview a doctor about how to live a healthy life

Interview a doctor on living healthy on a regular basis. Interview them on how they got into becoming a doctor, if they recommend it to people, etc.

91. Interviewing people from different walks of life

Interview people from different walks of life from all different walks of life. You can ask them about their interests or dreams and see what’s going on in their lives!

92. Explore all the different kinds of sports

Talk to people who play different kinds of sports or are interested in different kinds of sports. You can talk about their background, when the person got interested in playing the sport, why they like/dislike it, etc.

93. Do a deep dive into a different career or business

If you’re not happy with your job or you want to explore a different career, do a deep dive into that career. You can find people who are doing that job and see what they have to say about it!

94. Do an episode on how to buy things online

This is a great podcast for anyone looking to buy something online. If you’re buying something for yourself, talk about why you’ve chosen this product.

95. Talk about the things you love/hate

If the podcast is more conversational, talk about the things you love and hate. Talk about your hobbies, life experiences, etc.

96. Learn about some hobbies and how to do them better

Interview people who do different hobbies and talk about their experiences and how to do them better.

97. Explore the ins and outs of the food industry

Talk to people in the food industry and find out what they like or don’t like about their job! Talk about the dynamics of the job, the people that they work with, and why they do what they do.

98. Explore what it’s like to be a nanny or work at an amusement park

Explore what it’s like to be a nanny or work at an amusement park. These are great podcast ideas for anyone looking for job opportunities!

99. How to get a job in your dream field (or how others did it)

If you’re looking into a new career, this is a great podcast idea for you! If you’re looking into a new hobby, talk to other people who do that hobby and learn more about what they like/dislike about it.

100. Interview a college student about living on your own

Interview a college student and find out what they like and not about living alone.

101. Interview a job coach about getting a job in your dream field

Interview someone who has gotten their dream job! You can ask them how they did it, what kind of job they wanted or didn’t want, why they wanted or didn’t want it, etc.

There you go! 101 Podcast Ideas that can help fire up your fans

From inspirational podcasts to motivational podcasts, there are a lot of podcast ideas to choose from.

The secret of any great podcast is consistency.

If you are consistent with what you say and how you say it, you are much more likely to get a loyal following of listeners who will come back to hear your next episode.

It is very hard to build a loyal following, so it’s important to start off with a strong base and not just one or two listeners.

A good idea is to create a playlist of your best episodes and make sure you share them with your friends and family.

It’s very easy to get into the habit of only listening to your own podcast, but a good way to broaden your audience and get more listeners is to share the episodes with your friends and family.

Whatever type of content you want to produce, there should be something here to spark some creative thoughts.

Sign up now if you need help increasing ROI on your audio episodes!

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Yoofi Annan
Yoofi Annan

Written by Yoofi Annan

I write about Digital Marketing(I generate leads through social media, sales funnels & automations) |nocode projects| Entrepreneurship and Personal development.

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